New course Clearly Called now available! Fast-action bonus expires midnight 2/25
In just one session, you'll have clarity on your next steps based on where God is leading you - not where someone thinks you should go based on their opinion- and actionable steps to make progress toward your goals!
Your mindset (your thoughts) are at the core of all you do.
Everything that's happened to you and that you've been taught has formed deep-rooted beliefs that shape how you see the world.
Grew up being taught hard work equals success? Then you might find yourself doing the same in your business. If you just work harder, it'll equal success....right?
As you probably know, that's not necessarily true.
It's thoughts like these that we're after in mindset coaching.
What are the core thoughts (and often lies) that are influencing the way you approach your business, WAHM life, and so much more?
As a Biblical mindset coach, my job is to help you discover those thoughts and expose them to God's Truth to renew your mind- replacing worldly thoughts with Biblical ones.
Reframing your thoughts opens you up to receive what God has for you.
When He leads you to do something scary, your old thoughts of "I can't do that!" are replaced with "It's not about me. God will work through me. I just need to trust Him."
This means you'll have more confidence in your business and as a work at home mom.
Less mom guilt, imposter syndrome, fear, and worry.
No more hustle, striving, or chasing money but instead, working diligently while trusting God to provide and focusing on serving rather than earning.
If you're ready to finally have success as you pursue your calling, then book a Biblical Mindset coaching session today.
Here's what a 1 hour session looks like:
Bring one specific area in your business or WAHM life to the call that you want to receive coaching on.
Then, we will work together to discover what's keeping you from making progress in this area.
An area you may need help with could be:
*a decision you need to make
*a struggle you're having
*or anything else that's holding you back from your goals either in managing WAHM life or in business.
As negative mindset issues are uncovered, we'll start to reframe and rework your thoughts with Biblical truth using mindset strategies right on the call.
Finally, you'll have Spirit-led action steps for your week moving forward.
If you're ready to enjoy the journey God has you on instead of stressing and worrying that it's not going the way you want it to, then book a session today.
You can be successful as an entrepreneur by taking confident action on the path God is leading you down. I'm here to help you do it.
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